Should you put extra money towards paying off debt or saving for retirement? The biggest challenge is to do both well enough, reducing debt as much as possible while moving towards pension age. Here is how to find that balance ahead of retirement. Retiring with debt...
Five Worst Types of Debt to Avoid if You Can
There are times when you feel that borrowing money and taking out a loan is the only valid option, but it doesn't have to be this way. Here are some of the worst types of debt to avoid from the various types of debt funding your daily needs. Credit card debt The most...
Talking about Debt with Family and Friends
Talking about debt with your partner, spouse, children or other family members is a difficult thing to do. Still, it can be a liberating and highly productive step to confront debt guilt and shame and work together towards finding a solution. Here's how to get the...
How to Overcome Shame and Guilt When You’re in Debt
It's completely normal to feel overwhelmed and confused about debt, but incurring more debt when you're already in a tight financial spot doesn't have to be shameful. Here is how to lose the guilt and take control over your debt. Stop the debt cycle Unfortunately,...
Which Different Types of Debt Can Be Consolidated?
Taking control over your debt gets easier once you understand the different types of debt and learn to prioritise paying them off. This blog explains various types of debt, the worst types of debt, and which debts can be consolidated when undergoing debt counselling....
Living on the (Debt) Edge: The Impact of Covid-19 on SA’s Middle-class
More than 50% of South Africa's 19 million credit-active consumers are already over-indebted, a fact only worsened by the pandemic and its lockdown effects on the local economy. These are recent stats released by the SA Human Rights Commission. But what is most...
3 Signs You Can’t Pay Current Debt and Need Debt Counselling
Are you unable or unwilling to pay your debt? Here's how to tell if you have taken too much credit on your plate and whether you can afford it under the current repayment plan. You regularly miss monthly repayments. When you take a loan to finance a purchase, the...
Consumer Debt vs Saving: What is a Debt-to-Savings Ratio?
Various money ratios indicate if your debt is at a manageable level or not. These calculations may be employed by financial institutions to determine your creditworthiness but are generally helpful to understand your finances, reduce debt and improve budgeting....
How Do I Become Debt Eligible? Understanding the Credit Check (ITC)
Being debt eligible means that you satisfy all the conditions to obtain debt and receive credit from banks or financial institutions. Here's how to find out if you are debt eligible and whether you qualify for credit, what to do if you don't and what an ITC Credit...
What Debts Should You Pay Off First?
When it comes to paying off debt, knowing which debts to prioritise and pay off first can save you the extra money in accumulating interest and get you closer to eliminating another of those monthly instalment burdens. There are various ways to get rid of debt, and in...
How to Tell the Difference Between Good Debt and Bad Debt
Growing up, you learn quickly that credit can grant you what cash doesn't. Applying for credit to buy a property or a car, thus incurring debt, becomes an accepted part of life. But, while having debt is expected to fulfil ambitions, few understand the distinction...
Know the Difference: Secured Debt vs Unsecured Debt
There are two types of consumer loans: secured debt and unsecured debt, based on the existence of collateral to support the loan. This blog looks at the difference between secured debt and unsecured debt, secured debt examples, and types of unsecured debt. What is...
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200 Voortrekker Road, Parow, Western Cape, 7500
021 180 4554