Credit providers use your credit score to determine the risk level of your credit application before either its approval or denial, aka your creditworthiness. A higher credit score is more likely to result in the credit being granted on favorable terms than a low...
Why You Should Always Keep a Good Credit Score
Most borrowers hardly bother to check their personal credit record and understand their credit score before applying for a loan and risking more debt when they shouldn't. According to a Credit Bureau Monitor report, less than 3% of the 24 million credit-active South...
The BIG Financial Decisions that Impact Your Credit Score
A credit score is a number indicative of your borrowing history and financial decisions to date, good or bad. Banks, financial institutions, retailers and other lenders use this credit score to assess loan affordability and potential risks based on your payment...
Under Debt Review? Know Your Rights!
Under Debt Review? Know Your Rights? Millions of employees celebrate Workers' Day or May Day globally, an occasion to mark significant milestones in labour regulations, e.g. the eight our daily working quota or the implementation of a national minimum wage. At ezDebt,...
How to Get a Repossession Order Removed from Your Credit Report
When you fall into arrears on an account and receive a repossession order, you stand to lose more than your assets: your credit record and your credit score, may be negatively affected. A repo order will sit on the credit report for some time, preventing you from...
How to Stop Repossession Orders and Protect Yourself against Legal Action
Are you defaulting on your loans and scared that creditors may take your main assets, home or vehicle? There are still ways to stop a repossession order and avoid the possibility of litigation and negative credit scoring. In this blog, we explore your options to block...
Repossession Orders: How it Works and What You Need to Know
More SA consumers who struggle with debt repayments are facing the crude reality of repossession orders in the pandemic aftermath. Banks, vehicle and assets finance units have already reported an increase in repossessions after last year's hard lockdown. Below,...
Money-saving Tips for a Debt-free Easter
For South Africans, the Easter holidays are synonym with family trips over the long weekend and overindulging at the festive lunch. Expenses can quickly add up, but they don't have to. The last thing you want to worry about on Easter is getting into more debt. The...
Retrenched and Can’t Pay Debts? Know This Before Taking a Payment Holiday
If you cannot make your monthly debt repayments, perhaps taking a payment holiday is the lifeline you need after retrenchment. Should you go for it? How long can you set aside debts when you have no income? We answer these questions and more to help you deal with...
Out of Work? Here’s What to Do about Debt and Retrenchment
There's no secret that most South Africans rely on debt to make ends meet every month. Almost 80% seek expensive unsecured loans to meet monthly financial obligations, and 84% with short-term debt want to access money ahead of payday to fulfil repayments, shows a...
Seven Steps to Manage Debt and Retrenchment While Looking for a New Job
It's a tough time to be retrenched in South Africa during a national pandemic, struggling to survive financially and repay debts you cannot afford anymore. A July 2020 report by credit bureau TransUnion showed the Covid-19 lockdown had impacted 77% of consumers'...
How to Reduce Your Debt Under Retrenchment
South Africa lost over 600k formal jobs in the second quarter of 2020, according to Stats SA. (source: In the aftermath of the COVID-19 lockdown, retrenchment became a harsh reality in many sectors, and a wake-up call for the...
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200 Voortrekker Road, Parow, Western Cape, 7500
021 180 4554